How to Start a Hair Extension Business in Nigeria

How to Start a Hair Extension Business in Nigeria

The hair extension industry in Nigeria is booming. Nigerian women increasingly view wigs and weaves as fashionable and convenient options for styling.

This demand creates major opportunities for entrepreneurs to launch successful hair extension businesses.

This comprehensive guide teaches you the steps to start your hair extension business. 

Let’s explore how to tap into Nigeria’s multibillion-dollar hair industry!

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How to Start a Hair Extension Business in Nigeria

Here are the key steps to start your hair extension business in Nigeria:

1. SWOT Analysis of the Hair Extension Business

First, let’s examine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats involved with starting a hair extension business in Nigeria:


  • Large market – high demand among Nigerian women
  • High profit margins on hair products
  • Recurring revenue as customers repurchase
  • Scalable – can grow to multiple locations
  • Any gender can start this business


  • High startup costs for inventory, space, etc
  • Significant competition from existing brands
  • Importing hair can be challenging
  • Business growth requires ongoing financial investment
  • Managing a large inventory takes work


  • Rising incomes mean women can spend more on hair
  • Social media makes it easier to reach customers
  • Partner with top hair vendors for a steady supply
  • Expand to wholesale distribution over time
  • Offer training courses and hair care education


  • Market dips if the economy declines
  • New regulations or policies impacting small business
  • Changing hair trends affect demand for certain styles
  • Customers are lost if a competitor offers lower pricing
  • Foreign exchange rate fluctuations affect import costs

Careful planning and preparation can help you minimize the weaknesses and threats. 

The sizeable opportunities make hair extensions a highly profitable business if executed well.

2. Choose a Business Structure

The next step to start your hair extension business in Nigeria is choosing a business structure. 

Most small hair businesses register as a sole proprietorship or partnership initially. This keeps things simple and affordable.

A private limited company structure is better if you plan to raise investor funding or take on partners later.

3. Select a Business Name

Choose a creative but professional brand name. Having “hair” in the name conveys your business purpose. Ensure the domain is available before registering your name.

4. Register Your Business

Register with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) to legally operate your company in Nigeria. This includes reserving your business name.

5. Apply for a Business License & Permits

Contact the State Ministry of Commerce and Industry to apply for state business licenses or operational permits. Stay compliant.

6. Source Your Hair Inventory

Decide which hair types (human, synthetic, braided, etc) you’ll sell. Explore reputable hair vendors, often based in China, India, or Vietnam. Place bulk orders.

7. Find a Retail Store Location

Look for a commercially zoned retail space in a busy area with high foot traffic. Salon Suites offers affordable rented suites. Ensure sufficient storage space for inventory.

8. Set Up Your Retail Store

Design the interior with good lighting, mirrors, seating, and display shelves. Stock all hair products attractively. Display signage, prices, brand banners, etc.

9. Build an E-commerce Website

Creating an online store makes purchasing quick and convenient for customers. Hire web developers to build a user-friendly e-commerce site to process orders.

10. Employ Staff

Hire knowledgeable sales assistants who can explain hair options and styles to customers. Train them on all products. Offer good salaries and commissions.

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11. Create a Marketing Strategy

Promote your launch on social media and via local ads. Offer special deals. Network with local hair stylists and salons to refer customers. Be consistent.

You’ll have a professional hair extension business in Nigeria by following these key steps. 

But learning how to operate it profitably takes more consideration.

Tips for Running a Profitable Hair Extension Business

Once you start your hair extension business, focus on building a thriving, sustainable company. 

Here are tips to maximize profits:

1. Stock In-Demand and Trending Hair Styles

Watch hair trends closely. Always carry the most popular human hair types, lengths, textures, and colors. Nigerian women love long, curly, jet-black hair. Stay relevant.

2. Source Hair Economically

Find reputable overseas vendors offering wholesale pricing and bulk order discounts. This gives you good profit margins. Check reviews to avoid low-quality hair.

3. Price Competitively

Set prices comparable to competitors, especially on staple items. You can charge more for trendy and niche hairstyles when relevant. Offer discounts strategically.

4. Provide Excellent Customer Service

Train staff to be patient, friendly experts focused on meeting women’s hair needs. Follow up post-purchase to resolve any issues immediately.

5. Leverage Social Media Marketing

Post tons of photos showcasing your hair collections on Instagram and Facebook. Run contests, share beauty tips, partner with influencers – build buzz!

6. Consider Offering Salons & Installs

Providing salon services for installing hair makes purchasing and styling one-stop. Some dedicated salon suites can drive more sales.

7. Watch Your Cash Flow Closely

Track sales and expenses diligently. Make sure revenue from hair sales exceeds your overhead costs. Adjust inventory volumes and marketing spend accordingly.

8. Develop VIP Customer Programs

Offer regular shoppers referral bonuses, special discounts, early access to sales, and other VIP perks. This fosters loyalty. Send handwritten thank you notes after big purchases.

9. Explore Wholesale Distribution

If retail sales volume is very strong, consider expanding wholesale distribution to hair salons and vendors. This diversifies revenue streams.

10. Be Patient But Persistent

Growing a truly thriving hair empire takes time and work. Stick with your business plan, but adapt quickly as needed. Success won’t happen overnight, so persistence pays.

Your hair extensions company can succeed tremendously with smart business management, hard work, and customer service focus.

Essential Resources for Your Hair Business

As a new entrepreneur, don’t struggle alone! Here are helpful resources:

  • Join the National Association of Nigerian Traders for advice, networking, and advocacy
  • Follow Naija Hair Can Grow on YouTube – Uzo of NHG shares fantastic tips, tricks, and training for hair entrepreneurs
  • Listen to hair business podcasts like Hey Girl Hey to learn from other women-owned brands
  • Take hair styling courses so you can better understand techniques, tools, and terminology
  • Read hair and beauty blogs like Nigerian Natural Hair to stay on top of industry news and trends
  • Network locally -join chamber events to connect with fellow hair business owners. Facebook groups unite online.
  • Utilize Small Business Development Centers for mentorship programs, workshops, and advisory services

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With proper knowledge and preparation, you can make your hair extension business dreams a lucrative reality. Stay driven, and success will come.

We hope this guide gave you an excellent starting point for launching a thriving hair company in Nigeria’s dynamic beauty industry. Best of luck!

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